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Getting Started with jQuery
    Tuesday June 14, 2011 2:00pm - 2:50pm @ Room 108
    jQuery is an open-source JavaScript library that simplifies most aspects of JavaScript programming and enables web developers to quickly enhance their user interface (UI). This session is meant for those new to jQuery, but who have a least a passing familiarity with JavaScript. The session will begin with a basic discussion of the advantages of using a library and a review of live sites to show of how the presenter has used jQuery to enhance the UI in his web projects. It will follow with a live demonstration and code examples. Topics covered include: * Downloading and making the library available to your site * Using the jQuery syntax * Understanding the advantages of using a JavaScript library * Keeping your javascript unobtrusive and your site accessible * Using selectors and events * Getting help - using the documentation to become self-sufficient * Using plugins - leveraging the work of other developers If time permits, we'll dig a little deeper into the jQuery API. Of course, the session will allow for question and answers.
    Level:  Intermediate - Assumes basic knowledge of topic and some experience
    Prerequisite knowledge: Participants should have a basic understanding of the core web development and design technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Prior JavaScript programming experience is not really necessary.
    Participants will learn how to enhance the UI of websites that they manage.
    Type TechMasters and Applications

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