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Bridging the Real and Virtual Worlds...
    Tuesday June 14, 2011 10:00am - 10:50am @ Room 207
    Bridging the Real and Virtual Worlds: The Next Evolution of Social and Mobile Marketing
    When we talk about integrated marketing, that needs to mean more than making sure our Twitter, Facebook and website are in strategic alignment. Our web marketing has to align off-screen as well as it does on-screen. The world is increasingly becoming hypertext, rich with multiple layers of meaning and context. From Foursquare decals to chalked messages to "follow us on Facebook" to event-specific hashtags, we are surrounded by calls to link our real-life activities to their online complements. In our role as web communicators, how can we do this well in a way that serves both our needs and the needs of our audiences? Whether we're talking about geosocial/location-based services, viewbooks, flyers or tweetups, there is a large number of platforms where this is becoming increasingly relevant. How can we activate the ambient intimacy and latent connectivity around us to engage our audiences with relevant experiences and content? How can we bridge online community with off-line community? In this session, we will explore these principles as well as several concrete ideas for how to put them into action.
    Intermediate - Assumes basic knowledge of topic and some experience Basic knowledge and awareness of social media services like Twitter and geosocial services like Foursquare. Some level of marketing experience/expertise.  Attendees will come away with ideas for better using technologies such as social networks, geosocial services and QR codes to effectively and contextually market to a mobile audience, as well as advice on integrated online and offline marketing materials/experiences.
    PRESENTATION SLIDES: http://www.slideshare.net/radiofreegeorgy/bridging-the-real-and-virtual-worlds-the-next-evolution-of-social-and-mobile-marketing
    Type Marketing

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